"Guerilla Marketing"
Great gureilla marketing carried out by CANADIAN RED CROSS to create awareness among the people to learn first aid.
We have seen many gurellia campaings for long now and i feel most of them are instant hit because of their intensity in getting the attection of people and also has better retention . As for any Ad campaign its important that ad gets attention from people first on and gureilla marketing does give that edge when compared to other traditional marketing methods.I feel ad agencies shoud seriously advocate gureilla marketing. Though gureilla marketing had made a good entry into foreign markets but in India, still this has to go a long way . I feel the clients dont think out of the conventional marketing tactics and hestitate from doing gureilla marketing , but yes gureilla marketing needs to be strategic and tactical.It should surprise people and yes the competitor too giving them less time to react .
To know more on guerilla marketing click on the head line "Guerilla Marketing"
guerilla marketing or guerilla advertising is the in-thing now, i mean in India. One of the first of such communication i remember is for a innerwear brand (sorry, forgot its name), the brand and copy were actually painted on the footpaths! And recently, our Asia-Pac President said this - "pls try n stop doing 'ADY' 'ADY' stuff and think on making news... and he was perfectly right and guerilla is the most effective in terms of recall, interaction and cost too!
cool paot dude... carry on, me looking forward to more of such stuff
A very nice ad and would have to agree a very nice concept too.. but the matter of concern is which all brands are making use of guerilla marketing.... is it only NGO's and is this concept being used for marketing social service organizations???? and even if other brands use this as a means of marketing will it have the same effectiveness for all brands????
Nevertheless great work praveen...
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